Well well well, what a 2023 season! Bracken made her official team debut to a league team lineup and ran consistently all year with very few mistakes! She has brought her box turn with a snap. Becoming a UKFL Champs winner with her teamies in Dizzy Rascals. Not only that but she has helped as a stooge dog and helped a youngest find their head in open competition! Bracken ended 2023 with a new singles PB and a division win! What will 2024 bring? Hopefully more of this – a happy enthusiastic colour changing Bracken (Jan ’24)
Since writing the last bio Bracken has come on in confidence. She still occasionally makes up her own game of flyball when distracted but on the whole is turning into a great flyball dog! The bond between Bracken & I (Hayley) has grown beyond measure. She had many many highs in 2022 including a singles division win, placing 3rd in her singles division at her first UKFL champs, a cameo appearance in our League team & achieving her Cadet Pin Badge award. The hopes are that this enjoyment continues for Bracken and she finds herself in a league team in her preferred position of anchor. (Feb ’23)
Bracken is a Springer Spaniel Cross who suffers with Seasonal Vitaligo (so she never looks the same in any photo!) She is a cheeky, happy, ball obsessed funny girl who has decided that sometimes she will make up her own rules to her favourite game of flyball. However this goofball photo pretty much sums her up!